Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Happy Easter to You All!

First off all, Happy Easter! Second of all I didn't go to church in Sunday. Third off all I have to join my school to another church in Monday. So technically I went to a church but not in Sunday. So what did I do there? It is like what you expected. Everything was like going to a church but it took more time. It took about 2 hours in total from 8 am until 10 am. I don't know about any other church but in my usual church it only take about one hour and thirty minutes. What did I learn there. The theme for the event is 'Change'. The pastor talk about that and circle around that theme and to be honest it's not that interesting, fortunately there are lots of singing (which keep my body from sleeping) and one short drama that was both meaningful and contain some jokes. What else did I do? Nothing else, after the pastor stop talking we sing again and pray then we all went home. (except 'OSIS' student, they have to do some activity that I don't really know)

1 comment:

  1. Ahh, you should put some pictures to make it more interesting because it is boring to see something with no picture and you did a good job. There are no mistakes in grammar. Train harder and put picture to make it more interesting. Good Job
