Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Maksi: Harmony In Diversity

What is Maksi? That's the number one most asked question when I asked my friend from different school than me, and if asked I would ask the same thing. For those who don't know Maksi a short for Malam Aksi is a 2 days event held by SMPK 1 BPK Penabur Bandung and it is held once in 2 years. The teacher in my school really exaggerate about the excitement of Maksi and to be honest, well its not that good, some of them are good but not all of them.

The show started at Friday, 10th of February at 5pm, I was late and was unable to watch the opening dance, but I don't really care since I know that was not the most exciting part and there are lots of shows to watch.

 The theme of this year Maksi is Harmony in Diversity, thus I expected that there will be a lot of traditional dances just like other schools performances ever! And hey! I was right! But that's not bad I even think some of them are great! Why? Because they succeeded in mixing the past and modern culture, and the result was better than usual.

I personally think that the drama from our school ekskur theatre, no offense but it is simply the worst performances of the bunch. The storyline was not that interesting, the sound is not clear, but the costumes are ok and at least they have moral!

Now for the best performance for me... is also a drama! Not the same drama, but the drama from Theatre Bingung! Which literally translated to confusing theatre... But they're performances is amazing! The costumes were great and they sound much better then the previous drama. The storyline was good but best of all, it made me laugh and because of that, it was hands down the best performance of Maksi: Harmony in Diversity.

And then there come the moment all students have been waiting for... the teacher's drama. I like the teacher drama of the past 2 year better, by a lot. This year was not as crazy as the past 2 year, which is what I like, it was still funny but not that hilarious.

Teacher drama was the last show in line, I was not able to see the time as my phone is almost dead, but for sure it was late at night and thus I got home and still the best part of that day was the good night sleep! Good bye!

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Bandung Flood

About a week ago, Bandung, my home has experienced a really horrible and big flood and as the result, both the citizens and government panicked and I am personally annoyed. Why? The flood occurred  in Pasteur, which is one of the route I used to go home.

The appearance of the flood turned out to have given us a lot of unfortunate and lost. Because of the flood, the whole city of Bandung, got a really heavy traffic! Many houses and buildings are drowned, many cars and other vehicle are carried by the flood! Worst of all lives are taken.

Jadi penyebab banjir, pintu masuk hotel di Pasteur akan dibongkar

But what resulted the flood? Well, one of the main reason is the bad drainage system. Many citizens have blame the government of the bad drainage, but when I see people around the drainage system, they carelessly throw away rubbish at it, which result the blocking of water in the drainage system and made the flood. We should not blame the government for this disaster as it is also the citizens' responsibility to keep the drainage clean.

The government also has done something to deal with it. The mayor of Bandung Ridwan Kamil has apologized in the name of Bandung local government and few actions has been made. One of the few is that they have broke open the door into Topas Hotel, which after being researched has resulted in the flood by blocking the water. Few other decision have also been made, like the decision to install a water way in the area which is planned to be installed next week.

The other reason of the flood is because of the sudden weather change which a lot of people underestimate. Recently Bandung has experienced a lot of rain and it's also heavier and if not taken seriously, weather change could be fatal again. It could cost more flood and I am sure no one is happy about it.

Source: https://www.merdeka.com/peristiwa/jadi-penyebab-banjir-pintu-masuk-hotel-di-pasteur-akan-dibongkar.html

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Africa, beyond the ocean.

Hi... It has been quite some time. Not that long ago I used to blog every single week, not forgetting even a single post... but I stopped. Why you ask? the truth is, I'm a lazy person... I really am. And when I don't need to post a thing, I stopped.

Well guess what? I was told to make another one. One that is better than the other. But how? How can I make something better? I was told to make a post about my last holiday, something that I already did months ago. People always think that the original is the better no matter what I do.

So no, I won't make a post like that again. But with that being said... enjoy, my holiday beyond the ocean, on the land of the Southern Africa.

The feeling of relieve and free burst out as my feet first stood up on the land of Africa. My flight from Jakarta to Johannesburg, South Africa is far from the word pleasant and considering that I almost didn't sleep in my flight... it's... both painful and rough.

Probably, the most exciting part was here at Sun City. Where the sun shine bright! But still was very cold. Why is it the most exciting? It has the best wi-fi connection of all place I visited and the hotel was and is very comfortable! I must say the room is even better than my room... and the attraction there was amazing!
Palace of the lost city!
The hotel where I stayed.

South Africa is very beautiful, the Table Mountain and Cape point is a must go! But I cannot forget what I saw in both Zimbabwe and Zambia! Victoria Fall was breathtaking and everything of it can be explained in 1 single word... wow. If you are planning to go to Africa, I hope you have the time to go to Victoria Fall. Not to mention the people in Zambia is very nice and they sure can make a joke! unfortunately, the same cannot be said to the other 2 countries. :(
Victoria fall -Zimbabwe side-
Victoria fall -Zambia side-

Culinary in Africa. Hmmm... of course you can find Chinese Food. There were some Western to. But the best was Carnivore Restaurant. Is it really that mouth opening? At first no, but it was something that could not disappear from my mind. Because how can it be gone? You get to eat impala,crocodile, wild boar, etc. Ooo and one more thing. They will cut the meat straight in front of your face, right on your plate!

No drama, no tragedy, I got home safely. Sure it was quite a disappointment of having to go home from a vacation. But home sweet home. My vacation was very exciting and fun and I am sure that I do not regret going to Africa. My vacation has been great! But that's mine!

How about your's?

Friday, May 27, 2016

Martin Luther King, I Have a Dream

Martin Luther King's last speech: I Have a Dream

Main Luther King was an American Baptist minister, activist, humanitarian, and a leader of African-American Civil Rights Movement.

The video above is a video about Martin's most famous speech "I Have a Dream"

It is a speech to end racism in the United States.

At the beginning he referred to the emancipation proclamation which free millions of slaves, but 100 years later many negro are still not free. Toward the end of the speech he departed from his prepared text and improvised the theme "I Have a Dream"

There is where he described about his dream of freedom and equality rising from a land of slavery and hatred.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The "Tiger Woods"

Eldrick Tont "Tiger" Woods or known better as Tiger Woods (born December 30,1975) is an American professional golfer who is among the most successful golfer, of all time! Not only that, he also has been one of the highest-paid athletes in the whole world for several years!

Tiger Woods is no wonder an extraordinary golfer, his amateur and two-year college golf career is outstanding, he turned professional at just the age of 20!

Woods has broken numerous golf records oh his life (until 27 April 2016). He has been awarded PDA Player of the Year for eleven times, Byron Nelson Award for lowest adjusted scoring average for eight times, he is the youngest player to achieve the carrier Grand Slam, etc.

unfortunately Wood's condition isn't very helping. After many times losing and regaining the number 1 spot, recently Wood has struggled to regain his dominant. This is resulted by no other than the back surgery he had in April 2014 and September 2015. By March 29, 2015, Woods has fallen to #104, outside the top 100 for the first time once the week prior to his first Your title win in 1996

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Disclaimer! I'm not an Illuminati! And this post is made just for fun and because I have no more idea!

So you all probably already heard of the word 'Illuminati'. Come on don't lie to me you must have already heard about them once. And it's OK nothing is wrong about it. The thing is, when you hear the word Illuminati, most of you will think about the.. secret society that's trying to destroy the world! or the triangle with an eye! etc.

To be honest personally I also don't know a lot about them, all I know is what the wikipedia says about the Illuminati. So without any more hesitation let us see what the wikipedia think... about the ILLUMINATI.

The word Illuminati comes from a plural Latin word of Illuminatus which means enlightened and it is not only the name for a single large society or cult, it is a name for many group both fictional and real.

Historically it refer to something called 'Bavarian Illuminati', an enlightenment-era of society founded on May 1, 1776 by the infamous Adam Weishaupt. Society's goal? To oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life and abuses of state power. 'The order of the day" they write in their general statutes "Is to put an end in machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them". So yeah they are bad.

Finally they must be put to stop. Illuminati and other group were finally outlawed through edict, by the Bavarian ruler, Charles Theodore with encouragement from thee Roman Chatolic Church. After several year those group are vilified with conservative and religion believe and were thought to continued underground and are responsible for the French Revolution.

So yeah they are kinda bad...                                

The picture is Adam Weishaupt and no I won't add picture of the triangle.

(Ran out of idea)

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Fictional Writing (Again)

CHURCH (A Survival Story)

Clearly I don’t know how could they survive. Who are they? They are Zack and Daniel. Zack is my cousin. He is a 13 years old juvenile who live in Seattle, WA, USA and Daniel, he’s just Zack’s best friend. Right now they are in a hospital recovering from the incident. Fortunately, I was able to visit him about 2 days ago before anyone else (well, except from the doctor and nurse and the person that rescue them ) and I was able to gather a little bit of information about all the adventure/pain that they felt.
So it started a few week ago, with a bright morning light shining through Zack’s window straight onto his eye and at the same time my aunt, Zack’s mother shouted from downstairs. “Zack! Come down your breakfast ready!” So he rushed downstairs eat breakfast and do anything that a normal teenager would do and of course he went to school, but then from this moment everything started to change.
To be honest he hated school (me to). All the boring and bad stuff. I mean just think of that! You know what I meant right ? So Zack predict the day to be boring as ever, but he was wrong. A line of bus came from the road entering the school through the tiny gate. I once came there and the gate is small, but not that small. The driver must have skill!
So all of the student entered separate buses and then all the buses started to drive. Zack stared out of the window wandering where will the bus go. But  everything just got stranger and stranger. The road is just not familiar enough. And then finally the buses stop at a bottom of a hill. Zack thought that the road had finally finished but his hearth broke after knowing that he must walk to the top of the hill. And so he walked.
After quite some time they finally reach the top. I don’t know what’s the felling of Zack after walking quite some time up a hill just to see a church, but who know. So long story short he did what everyone would do inside a church and then his teacher gave all the student a break time.
At the perfect time to fall asleep a mysterious figure decide to interrupt. “BOOOO!”said the mysterious figure. Turned up that mysterious figure is Daniel, Zack’s best friend/rival. So yeah, it took sometime to explain the prank to Zack, but at the end Daniel decided to do something that maybe no student dare to do. He rushed down the hill and Zack was forced to follow, because he is smart and he always know that fighting against Daniel is quite an useless act.
Behind the hill, there stand a quite deep forest. And inside the quite deep forest, there stand a old looking church which both of the boy deeply stared at. That church lost all of it windows, the roof looked like it was going to fall, and you can see a lot of dust, event from some distance! Well if you are me, you are totally not going to go inside the church. I won’t even look at it if possible! Unfortunately Daniel is a really adventurous and a really careless boy. So without thinking at all the risk he rushed into the church!
Zack’s instinct said to call the 911, but nope! No signal. So Zack follow Daniel to inside the church. So turned out that everything went well... for a moment, until the rushing Daniel hit a chandelier that somehow stayed light up until Daniel hit it knocking it down to the ground burning the whole church transforming it into a big pile of ash. Luckily both of them are fast enough to escape the fire, but not fast enough to catch the bus on time.
Now hope started to vanish and desperate started to fill up Zack’s hearth. But hey, that’s not the worst thing in the world right? He could just walk home anytime he want. And at the same time and even worse thing happened. A mountain near their location erupted! Now what did he do? I don’t know. I don’t know how did they survive and I don’t know what happened to Daniel ( the nurse won’t let me know ). He literally fell asleep in the middle of the story telling and after that I was forced by the nurse to leave the room. So maybe some of you are asking yourself. Who is this guy that has been talking to me for the past few minutes? Well my name is William.

William H.