The show started at Friday, 10th of February at 5pm, I was late and was unable to watch the opening dance, but I don't really care since I know that was not the most exciting part and there are lots of shows to watch.
I personally think that the drama from our school ekskur theatre, no offense but it is simply the worst performances of the bunch. The storyline was not that interesting, the sound is not clear, but the costumes are ok and at least they have moral!
Now for the best performance for me... is also a drama! Not the same drama, but the drama from Theatre Bingung! Which literally translated to confusing theatre... But they're performances is amazing! The costumes were great and they sound much better then the previous drama. The storyline was good but best of all, it made me laugh and because of that, it was hands down the best performance of Maksi: Harmony in Diversity.
And then there come the moment all students have been waiting for... the teacher's drama. I like the teacher drama of the past 2 year better, by a lot. This year was not as crazy as the past 2 year, which is what I like, it was still funny but not that hilarious.
Teacher drama was the last show in line, I was not able to see the time as my phone is almost dead, but for sure it was late at night and thus I got home and still the best part of that day was the good night sleep! Good bye!
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